Laverne Campbell, Also known as “auntie”, is undeniably “unique and compassionate” when it comes to the grooming industry. Her journey started in Georgia then quickly to New York City, where she has created a personality rooted in her philosophy. “Your dog is my client” . Laverne brings years of experience, compassion and an intimate understanding of how dogs think and feel. Using the method of psychology and caring to bring your pet Beautiful and happy. Her love of animals has been life-long and stems from her childhood. She strives to make the grooming experience as stress-free as possible. She takes great pride in her work and is very much a Quality over Quantity type of groomers.Laverne Campbell has been a certified master grooming and instructor for over 35 yrs . She has worked at the original New York School of Dog
Grooming under the ownership of Sam Kohl and has taught thousands of students in the U.S and internationally.
Reda is a certified master groomer, graduated of New York School of dog grooming in 1997.He has been working in the grooming industry in New York City since 1994.Since early life Reda always had a love for animals. Before he came to America, born and raised in Egypt, he would take stray cats and dogs from the streets of Egypt and rescue them which he would feed and bathe them at home and naturally cats and dogs always had a love for him back. Starting off as bather in the most high end grooming spa’s in NYC, He admired the art of grooming. Practicing with some of greatest groomers in the U.S he was able to develop his own grooming style and techniques that has brought him to a whole new level in the grooming industry, becoming a legacy. He has groomed cats and dogs for various celebrity clients such as Jennifer Hudson, Kevin Bacon, Kerry Washington and many others. Also he has experience with pets for advertisements and for show competition. His ability to put all cats and dogs at ease has made him a well rounded reputation in NY and specifically Manhattan 57th St.
(MidTown) Where he opened his first grooming salon location known as “Central Park Pet
Spa” one of the best grooming salons in NYC. He fulfilled his dream. He believes you can gain the trust of all pets through love and patience.